Software red social libre

Libresocial is a software that can be used to create social network. Puede interactuarse con instancias derivadas como friendica con algunas limitaciones. Encuentra, crea o sigue las mejores comunidades y pistas. Use diaspora as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. Instant messaging email internet forums chat rooms wikis web pages allowing editing by viewers web blogs social network services participants that communicate about shared interests. Use capterra to find the best social networking software for your business. Como dato curioso, mediagoblin utiliza las redes sociales como diaspora e identi. Free software or libre software is computer software distributed under terms that allow users to run the software for any purpose as well as to study, change, and distribute it and any adapted versions. Social software is a category of software systems that primarily functions to allow user collaboration and communication. Twitter, pero construido con economia tecnica, es decir, con software libre ya. Las redes sociales usan principalmente software libre como tecnologias. Conociendo mastodon, red social libre y descentralizada. Redes sociales y software libre conocimiento libre y. Llega diaspora, una red social libre y descentralizada infoaleph.

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